Attendance and holiday information

The day begins at 8.50 a.m. with registration. Any pupil arriving after that time receives a late mark.

It is important that all pupils attend school regularly and on time. Failure to do this is disruptive to the education of not only your child, but to all children in his or her class. Pupils who are late should report to the main school office with their parents so that registration may take place and a school dinner may be ordered. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that an authorised reason for absence is given. A reason for absence given by the child will not be accepted.

Notification of absence may be made by:

Frequent late marks and absences will be followed up by the Headteacher and if they continue by the Local Authority. Poor patterns of attendance at school are often carried on into the work place and therefore will not be tolerated in school. If either you or your child has worries or concerns about school please feel confident to talk to either your child’s teacher, the Deputy or Headteacher so that together we can work out arrangements to help maintain a healthy and positive attendance record.

Leave of Absence Request

The following information comes from KCC and applies to all Kent Schools.

From September 2013 the Department for Education has amended the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 removing the Headteacher’s ability to authorise leave of absence for a family holiday. Following this amendment requests for holidays in term-time will not be authorised as the Regulations only allow me to authorise absence (leave) in “exceptional circumstances”. An “exceptional circumstance” would have to be defined as an unavoidable cause e.g., a one-off emergency situation which prevents the child from attending school.

The Headteacher will consider each request for absence individually but can only grant such requests in exceptional circumstances. There is no right of appeal as the authorisation of the absence is the sole responsibility of the Headteacher. 

The Headteacher cannot give retrospective approval so any request should be made in advance by least 2 weeks.

Exceptional circumstances may include:

  • Family Trauma, serious illness/death of a close relative/person to the family

  • To attend a wedding of a close person to the family

  • Attending functions in line with culture and or religion

  • Where employer stipulates that holiday has to be taken during a set period (letter from employer is required as evidence)

All requests for leave of absence must be made using the form that can be accessed below. Completed forms must be returned to the school office. Please note, email requests for leave of absence will not be considered unless accompanied by this form. If you require any help with this, please contact the school office and staff will be happy to assist you.

Leave of Absence Request Form